The State Of Society

The State of Society is determined by its Government. How a Government governs and controls its society, determines the state of that society. When the Government is the State and the People are the Society, the state of society is divided into those who control and those who are controlled. This is the current state of all societies, countries and nation states in the world today.

The role of Government is to introduce laws that control its people. This ensures that the state of society, as defined by government, remains secure and under control. When the State remains secure, Society loses its freedom. In a secure society, the government is free to control the people, to ensure that the State is secure at the expense of personal freedom.

Laws are boundaries imposed on people in society, to ensure that the state of their behaviour is acceptable to the government. The controllers of the State remain above the law, with their own political standard of behaviour. This is called Political Correctness, which is a standard not a law. The standards of the privileged few, who control the State Government, are determined by etiquette or political correctness, whilst the common standards of the people are determined by family principles, religious morals, society ethics and common Law. The privileged state of the Controllers securely controls a controlled society, with an Official Secrets Act. Society is directly and covertly managed, administered and supervised by a Directive Government, whose directives are directly enforced by Law.

In a free society, its people are free of State control, as the state of society is freely stated. When freedom is secured and freely stated as an equal standard, the state of society is in unity with itself. There can be no freedom in a society where freedom is insecure, because society and the state are following opposing agendas. When the State needs the people to be securely controlled, they do this by freely imposing laws and restrictions on freedom.

In a Free State, Society has Self Control, with neither a controlling State nor a controlled Society. The state of being self controlled within society, requires everyone’s personal standards to be aligned with their personal boundaries.

A controlling government uses directive management to directly manage, control & govern its people. It manages directively by issuing proclamations of standard operating procedures, either as a policy, a rule, a statute or a state law.

A self controlling House of Representatives or Parliament, facilitates agreed standards of personal behaviour for its people. It follows one Golden Rule of personally ensuring that personal standards always align with personal boundaries. When personal standards are agreed and align with personal boundaries, there is no insecurity and everyone remains within the safety of one agreed societal comfort zone. Any citizen of the society, whose standard of behaviour conflicts with the agreed common boundaries, is invited as a golden rule to receive guidance for their realignment with their society’s standards. All citizens are free to remove themselves from a society, with whom they are unable to agree and implement the required standard of behaviour.

The state of society today is one of insecurity, caused by a controlling government who deems itself responsible for public security. This state of society will only change when the people in society are free to agree a common standard of behaviour, in alignment with the standards of behaviour that they deem to be acceptable by other people. When we all agree to do unto others as we would have others do unto us, we take responsibility for our own self control of our own freedom, comfort & security.

A Golden Society as a rule, is required to adopt the Golden Rule as its Standard.