Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron. Intelligence is natural not artificial. Intelligence is the nature of consciousness. There is no artificial consciousness.

Artificial means man-made. Artificial intelligence means man-made intelligence, but we do not make intelligence, we only process it as the thought of a conscious mind.

Man made computers can be programmed with human intelligence but that intelligence is the nature of Man not the nature of the computer. A computer is not naturally intelligent, so it is deemed to be artificially intelligent.

Intelligence is neither artificial nor natural and it is neither real nor illusory, it is just the ability to make reasonable choices using information intelligently. When a choice is deemed reasonable it is deemed to have good intelligence. Good reasoning requires good intelligence. Garbage in, garbage out. Intelligence in, intelligence out.

Using information intelligently means that it fulfils a purpose. Doing something for no reason or purpose is not intelligent.

When a robot or machine fulfils a purpose without human intervention, it is seen to be intelligent. The robot may be man-made but the intelligence is not. Intelligence is a normal attribute of human beings but neither a natural, nor an artificial one. It is quite possible to have consciousness without intelligence and to have intelligence without consciousness.

Intelligence is a normal consequence of consciousness. Consciousness collects intelligence and the mind processes it as intelligent thought. An artificial robot collects information concerning the nature of reality and processes that information or intelligence with human intellect. It is the robot’s intellect that is man-made or artificial, not the intelligence. An intelligent robot is making choices based on man-made or artificial reasoning because a robot does not have a consciousness with a meaningful purpose.

Man-made reasoning is called intellect. Intellectual reasoning is the processing power of a natural brain and of the artificial brain of a computerised robot. Robots learn to experience the natural world in the same way that humans do because humans have programmed them to do so. They are artificial processors of intelligence with an artificial or man-made intellect. Processing artificial intelligence is illogical. It is the robot that is artificial, not the intelligence.

An artificial processor of information may be deemed intelligent, but does it have consciousness?

It may have an artificial brain, but does it have a Mind?

It may process intelligent thinking, but does it initiate thought?

Without a natural mind, can it be intuitive?

Without intuition, can it be emotionally intelligent as well as rationally intelligent?

Mind, Consciousness & Thought are the nature of Human Beings, but can they be produced artificially in a machine called a Robot?