Dreams & Nightmares

My Dreams are an unconscious experience of my life.

My Life is a conscious experience of my dreams, which can also be a nightmare.

Dreams are a duality of being awake and being asleep. I can daydream whilst awake and I can night dream whilst asleep.

My conscious physical life is a personal journey in space-time-reality, which experiences my life story. Each day is a page and each year is a chapter in the diary of my book of life. My story continues from my birth to my death, with a daily break when I go to sleep. I always wake up realising that my reality is continuous, as my story unfolds.

I am awake in the beta frequency of my conscious mind and asleep in the delta frequency of my unconscious mind. Between being unconsciously asleep and consciously awake, my sub-conscious theta mind is awake to my super-conscious alpha mind.

My dreams are a conscious Ego recollection of the inter-action of my sub-conscious Id and my super-conscious Entity. The super-conscious entity of my Soul communicates with its Self on a frequency of alpha brain waves, called intuitive thought, which provide beneficial guidance & support. The beliefs of my sub-conscious programming instinctively drive me with a frequency of theta brain waves, called intellectual thinking. This is the conscience of my moral & ethical compass.

My conscious mind is the spectator and the observer. My sub-conscious mind is the driver & navigator and my super-conscious mind is my architect and my supporter. The experience of my journey through physical life is relative to the fact of my true reality and the contrasting surreality of my untrue fiction.

My conscious mind appears to experience the facts of my true reality; whilst my unconscious mind apparently experiences the surreal fiction of my untrue journey in the life of my dreams.

The Reality is that I am conscious when I am awake and unconscious when I am asleep.

The Fact is that my story is a conscious experience but the trailer is an unconscious dream.

The Truth is that my super-conscious Soul knows my true path but my sub-conscious Id can get lost, confused and very frustrated by the truth. This is because the reality of my programmed beliefs is a fact that is not always true.

My nightmares highlight the parts of my journey that are out of alignment with the true path of my Soul. They portray an exert of when I am lost in time, where I am confused in space and how I am frustrated by reality.

The presence of my conscious-awareness of my dream sequences allows the presence of my true direction to become clear.

When life happens to me, my nightmares portray:

  • The irrationality of my rational experiences
  • The unemotionality of my emotional experiences
  • The disconnection of being lost when I am going in the wrong direction
  • The inclusivity of my shared confusion with others
  • My insensitivity to the personal path of other people
  • My attachments for what I need emotionally

When life miraculously happens as the True me intends, my dreams portray:

  • The rationale of my emotional experiences
  • The emotionality of my rational experiences
  • The connection to my true guidance & support
  • The exclusive path that I am clearly following
  • My sensitivity to other people’s personal path
  • My detachment from other people’s dramas

My Soul is my Imaginative Imaginary Dreamer.

My Self is the Experiencer of the Experience of those Dreams.