A Perspective of Perception

My Perspective is my view of reality with the experience of my five physical senses.

When my physical senses are diminished, my perspective becomes limited.

The more physical experience of life that I have, the more developed my perspective becomes.

The more developed my perspective, the more balanced is my attitude.

A balanced attitude is acquired through many different perspectives of many different experiences of life.

My Perception is my view of reality with the experience of my three intuitive senses.

The more intuitive my sense of Self, the more I perceive my experience to be individual, unique & exclusive to my Self.

I often share the perspective of other people when I share the reality of a similar experience.

As I grow & develop on my own unique path, I gain a new perception of similar experiences that may differ greatly from that of other people.

A perspective gained with intuitive perception will always be unique to my Self.

My perspective of perception is exclusively mine.

Unless that is, you choose to share it.