Four Levels Of Weakness

Being Weak is being unable.

Weakness is my inability to act.

Strength is my ability to act with inspired & empowered authority.

The inspiration of my Soul, the power of my Heart & the authority of my Mind enable my strong physical action.

Uninspired action disempowers my authority & renders me weak.

Emotional weakness disempowers me.

Mental weakness unauthorises my choice.

Spiritual weakness uninspires me.

Physical weakness disables me.

Incompetence is an emotional weakness.

Incapacity is a mental weakness.

Incapability is a physical weakness.

Emotional strength is the empowered competence of self-worth.

Mental strength is the enlightened capacity of self-confidence.

Physical strength is the enabled capability of self-esteem.

Spiritual strength is the inspired creativity of my authentic Self.

Any spiritual, emotional, mental or physical weakness will block my creative inspiration.