The Paradox of Money

The Paradox of Money is that:

  1. Saving money blocks the flow of money. Giving money away or spending money allows money to flow back in.
  2. Money attracts money. Like is drawn unto itself. Therefore the more money we have the more money we attract.

So, how do we have money, so that we attract more money, without stopping it flowing in and running out?

How do we create the circumstances where we always have enough money?

The secret of having enough money is to always have more money flowing in than flowing out.

When more money flows in than out, we have an abundance of money flowing in.

When more money flows out than in, we experience a scarcity of money flowing in.

When more money flows in than out, we will always have enough.

When the same money flows in as out, we have ‘just enough’ but no abundance.

As more money flows in than out, we start to build a reserve of money that attracts more money to flow and builds a bigger reserve of abundance.

The difference between ‘just enough’ and enough is a ‘Reserve’.

We have more than enough money, which is too much, when we cannot spend 90% of what is flowing in.

We have less than enough money, which is not enough, when we cannot reserve 10% of what is flowing in.

We have enough money when 90% of what is flowing in buys everything that we want and need.