A Depth Of Awareness

A Depth of Awareness is a 4th dimensional attainment.

In a 3 dimensional physical reality, physicality has three dimensions of length, breadth & height. The fourth dimension is depth. A three dimensional perspective sees depth & height, like width & breadth, as the same thing. A four dimensional perception has a deeper perspective. It intuitively sees its depth of awareness as a perception beyond its physical perspective.

A three dimensional perspective sees its height or level of conscious perspective, as the depth of its awareness. It sees it as the same thing when limited to its:

  • Unconscious delta brain waves
  • Sub-conscious theta brain waves
  • Conscious beta brain waves

It has no distinct depth to its awareness when physical consciousness is the height of its mental capacity. Three dimensional physical consciousness has no depth of awareness of a fourth dimensional higher mental state of super-consciousness. With higher super-conscious alpha brain waves, I connect to my intuitive sense of deep awareness.

With no depth of awareness, my consciousness is limited to my three dimensional shallow thinking. I am embodied in a three dimensional thought form, which does not allow me to think outside of the box. Thinking outside of my three dimensional box requires a four dimensional depth of intuitive awareness, using the super-conscious alpha brain wave capacity of my brain.

Attaining a depth of awareness allows my three dimensional intellectual thinking, which is two dimensionally instinctively driven, to be intuitively guided by four dimensional inspired thoughts.

My deep awareness of an alpha level of four dimensional consciousness is super-intuitive.