The 2nd Commandment of Jesus

The 2nd Commandment of Jesus is:

“Do unto all others as you would have all others do unto your self”

Alternatively translated as:

“Love thy neighbour as thy Soul loves thy Self”

My Soul loves my Self unconditionally with the pure Love that is the Power & Beingness of my Soul.

Loving my Self is not something my Soul does, it is who my Soul is: Pure Love, Pure Beingness & Pure Power.

My Soul is Omnipotent.

Jesus knew that this physical world is governed by the Law of Attraction that determines the Golden Rule.

The 2nd Commandment is the Golden Rule, which appears in different forms in every religion of the world, not just Christianity.

The Golden Rule applies to all religions and all people because it is the Law of Attraction in action, in its most beneficial and benign way.

Do unto all others as you would have all others do unto you because like energy is drawn unto itself.

What I do unto others, others will do unto me; it is the law and the Golden Rule.

It does not mean do unto others as others have done unto you.

That is conditional love based on justice and revenge.

The Golden Rule is unconditional and has no exceptions, it is the Law of the Universe.

It is how the Universe works, unconditionally and without exception.