Degrees Of Certainty

There are no degrees of certainty, only degrees of trust.

The state of being absolutely certain is called Faith, which is different to trust, which is relatively certain or uncertain. When I mistrust something, it is because I have a relative degree of uncertainty. When I think that I am relatively certain, I am in fact relatively uncertain.

A degree of uncertainty is relative to how much I trust my own choice. When my choice is based on someone else’s judgment, there is always a degree of uncertainty.

When I have faith in my own choice, it is absolutely certainly beneficial for me.

There are no degrees of certainty because there are no degrees of intuition. Intuition has no degree of intellectual reasoning or rationally intelligent knowledge. I either intuitively know my choice to be right or I do not. It either intuitively feels good or it doesn’t. I either see it as an inspired choice or I don’t. Whenever I do not intuitively see, feel or know it to be a good & right choice for my Self, it certainly is not.

The right choice for me is always presented with a certain knowing and a good feeling, you see!

Intellectual reasoning dilutes a good feeling with degrees of uncertainty, which override any certain knowing. With rational thinking there is no intuitive certainty. When intuition is confronted with intellectual reasoning, it is lost.

When intuition is supported with the intellectual awareness of emotional intelligence, it is absolutely the certain choice for me.