I Can Be

I Can Be whatever I choose to be.

This is a role that I play with a personality & a character of my choosing.

I Can Be whoever I choose to Be.

This is an emotional state of being that I attribute to my Self.

An attainment is a state of being that I attribute to my Self.

Before I can choose an emotional state of being, I first have to attain that state of being so that I can consciously attribute it to my Self.

When I attain an attribute of quality it has creative emotional power.

I express the quality of my emotional potential through my expression of who I am being.

I can explore all aspects of my male & female gender through my personality.

I can discover all extremes of the polarity of my positive & negative characteristics.

I can experience pure, natural, prime & divine aspects of who I really am.

I Can Be who I really am or I can make up a character with a personality for the role that I am playing currently in my life.