
Answerability is my ability to give an account of my actions.

It is my ability to be answerable.

As a coach, I am required to ask clear questions and also to give clear answers.

Answering a question with clarity is being answerable.

I am answerable for my client understanding with clarity.

I am accountable for my client’s development & growth.

When I am unhappy with my own answers, I cannot be answerable to others.

When I can account for my own development & growth, I am able to account for my client’s.

I am accountable for my client, but never answerable for my client.

I am answerable to my client, never for my client.

When I am happy knowing my own answers, I am answerable to my client because I am able to answer my client with clarity.

When I cannot see my client’s path, I have no idea what questions to ask.