Core Beliefs

Our Core Beliefs simply explain our vision of the world in which we consciously choose to live.

Bringing Heaven to Earth starts with the belief that this is possible.

When we believe that Heaven is beyond the reach of mortal beings, then that becomes our reality.

Core Beliefs come from our Heart at the Core of our Being.

The Truths of our Soul become the realities of our Self, once the ego challenges its own limiting beliefs.

Core Beliefs are overshadowed by the programmed beliefs that limit the Self to the truth of its ego.

Heaven is a description of the Earth as our Soul would wish to experience it.

The Self can only experience Heaven on Earth by living as the Soul has chosen to live on Earth.

The Soul knows only the ways of Heaven.

It is the ego self that creates hell on Earth.

Hell on Earth is the reality that is created with our limiting beliefs and fears.