A Spiritual Awakening

A Spiritual Awakening is when the Soul decides to reveal itself to its Self.

The Self is awakened to its spiritual source and the concept of conscious awareness.

In the Age of Survival, spiritual awareness was essential to surviving the reality of that age.

In the Age of Comfort & Security, the ego self became comfortable & secure and fell asleep to its spiritual origins.

Spiritually sleep-walking through a physical, material, rational, disconnected, unemotional & insensitive world allowed the Soul to experience its male energy in total separation from its female energy.

Awakening from a physically conscious, scientific, male dominated, materialistic world view requires the attainment of spiritual awareness.

It is an awareness of the realisation that there is more to life than is physically apparent.

It is awakening to the spiritual reality of who we are and why we are here.

It is awakening to the awareness that I am a spiritual being experiencing a physical existence in a material world.

In the New Age of Awareness there is a spiritual awakening to a spiritual vision of a spiritual journey in a spiritual reality for a spiritual purpose.