What Spiritual Growth Is!

Spiritual Growth is the growth of the Soul.

The growth of the Soul is in its creative ability.

Creative ability allows the Soul the ability to expansively grow.

As the Soul expands its creative ability, it expansively grows.

The Soul has infinite possibilities for expansive growth.

Infinite possibility is just a potential until it is realised.

For creative ability to be creative, it is required to be realised through its creation.

Spiritual growth is the realisation of creative ability.

The more creative ability that is realised, the more creative ability grows.

It is through the expansion of creative ability that the Soul realises its growth.

The Soul realises its creative ability to expansively grow, through the experience of its Self.

Creative ability is realised through the creation of a creation.

The ability to recreate its Self, in every new moment of space-time-reality, is how the Soul spiritually grows.

It is not the physical creation that spiritually grows.

The physical creation is just the vehicle through which spiritual growth is enabled.

The expansive growth of the Soul is in the essence of the Beingness.

The essence of the Beingness is the purity of the energy vibration.

The Soul is the pure essence of creative Beingness when the physical Self that is its creation, aligns with the creative ability of its Creator.