What A Teacher Does!

A Teacher is one who facilitates learning.

Learning is a process of personal growth.

Personal growth is a matter of choice.

It is my choice of experience that allows my personal growth.

It is my personal growth that allows a better choice.

An Educator is one who passes on knowledge.

Educating is an objective.

A Teacher allows subjective learning.

Subjective learning is where the student learns their subject of choice.

A Teacher guides & supports Individuals on their chosen path through life.

My connetion to my Soul facilitates my learning.

My Soul is my spiritual Teacher.

A Teacher is the one who knows the answers.

A Student is the one who asks the questions.

A Coach is one who asks the questions for the student.

Learning is a process of finding the answers to personal questions.

A Teacher is the model for personal attainment.

I can only attain what I imagine my personal growth to be.