Imagination Is The Spiritual Ability To Travel In Time

Imagination is the creative mind of a super-conscious Soul. When I imagine, I am creative and I’m a Genie. My creative genie is my Soul.

Access to my imagination is intuitive. What I intuitively see in my mind’s eye is my imagination. Any non-physical image that appears in my mind is my intuitive imagination. My intuitive imagination creates a virtual reality for my Self to manifest & experience as a physical reality. All physical experience of reality originates as a virtual thought of a creative Soul as an image in the imagination.

Imagination is an image creator of new energetic vibrations from the source of mindful thought. When mindful thought projects an image to its Self, it manifests in consciousness as imagination. What manifests in consciousness becomes an experience of reality and what manifests in physical reality becomes a physical experience. It is the manifestation of energy into physical matter that allows the experience of physical consciousness. Every experience of physical reality manifests from the Source of Creative Energy, which is the imagination of the Soul.

Space & Time allow an infinite, eternal & continuous experience of conscious reality for the Soul and a definite, specific & relatively temporary experience of reality for its Self. The Soul imagines a specific three dimensional relative space-time-reality for its Self to definitely experience, which is separate from its own absolute realm of spiritual reality.

In the absolute realm of the Soul, past, present & future are different realities of the same space & time. From the Soul’s perspective there is only an eternal moment of now. Only from the perspective of a separate Self is there an experience of a relative dual reality of past & future. In absolute reality, past, present & future are all parts of the same timeline. Whereas the Self is limited to travelling sequentially through consecutive moments of space-time-reality, the Soul has unconditional access to any moment of now on any timeline in space that it has created for its Self.

When the Self intuitively accesses it’s super-conscious imagination, the Soul is able to travel in time and instantly review whether that innovative thought is aligned with the current vision it has for its Self. With every imaginative thought that the Self mindfully realises, there co-exists an emotional wavelength of feeling that empowers that thought. The Soul never has a thought that is not inspired & empowered.

When the ego sense of Self indulges in personal disconnected thinking, it is not always empowered and is often filtered through a stream of negative beliefs & fears. When the ego’s individual thinking is not aligned with the Soul’s vision for its Self, it is neither inspired nor empowered and will require will power to realise whether it has any personal benefit. When the Self is unimaginative and confined to its comfort zone, there is no innovation, the Soul is not inspired and the Self remains disempowered.

When the Self aligns it’s choice with the inspiration of the Soul’s imagination, there is eternal power available for infinite possibilities of expansive experiences. Whereas the Self cannot have clear knowledge of the future, the Soul intuitively knows the ideal future for its Self. When the Self chooses to allow its ideal future to manifest, it has the unconditional approval & acceptance of the Soul.

In the same way that I can read a book myself, from cover to cover, one page after another consecutively in sequence; I can also travel to any word, any sentence, any paragraph or any page in the book that I so choose.

My Book Of Life is a journal of my timeline of physical reality on this Earth. Whereas the Self can only access each moment of now in a one way linear timeline, the Soul has complete access for infinity & eternity. Every Book of Life is an Akashic Record that is eternally accessible in the Annals Of time via the intuitive mind of the Soul.

With total & unconditional transparency & accountability, everyone aspect of the Soul has access to the Akasha & its Records. Intuitive imagination is the access to remembering, recounting, recalling & recording the connection that the Soul always has to each and everyone of its individual Selves.

Whatever I can imagine, I can experience as my reality. I can realise into physical reality whatever I can imagine. Physical reality is the process of realising what is imaged in the imagination.

As Time is a mental construct, so is travelling in time through the vehicle of the imagination a mental construct. I construct my journey through space & time in the imagination of my mind. Imagination is a mental time machine that can travel from each present moment into any past or future experience of reality.

The belief that imagination is not real, or is counter-intuitive, blocks any conscious experience of the past or future being used for creative or expansive innovation. In the absence of imagination, reality remains stuck, negative, unchanging & unfulfilling.

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