The Matrix

A Matrix is a substantial situational environment in which something is enclosed in its original form.

The Planet Earth is a physical matrix:

  • It is an environment with substance, situated in the ideal location of a solar system in a galaxy
  • It is a substantial environment to enclose original forms of life situations
  • In its original form, life is situated in an enclosed substantial environment

The physical matrix of Earth is a matter of the substance of corporeal matter, situated in an enclosed atmospheric environment of original forms.

Gaia is a spiritual matrix:

  • It is the substantiated situational environment of an energy Torus, which encloses the original form of a hyperbolic twin energy vortex

Gaia-Earth is a spiritually-physical duality of an environment ideally situated for the enclosed development of original forms of life.

  • Original forms of physical life exist in an enclosed environment as Beings of substance
  • Original forms of spiritual life exist in an enclosed environment as Beings of Light

Whether the Matrix is perceived to be situated in a substantial physical environment or a substantial spiritual environment is a matter of perspective.

Irrespective of whether I see my original form as physical or spiritual substance, I am enclosed as an Individual Being in the energy, matter & motion of love, light & life as my form of origin.

My original form is the energy of love, in the motion of light, as a matter of life; enclosed in a situational environment of both physical & spiritual substance.

Whether I see the matrix as physical, spiritual or both is a matter of my own personal choice.