An Effortless Life

Life is designed to be effortless, when I follow the design. My Soul is the Designer of each lifetime for its Self. Life is effortless when my Self follows the signs of my Soul, the Designer. My Soul designs and signs the path for my Self to follow.

When I see the signs and hear my messages, I follow the path of my Soul and my life is effortless. An effortless life does not happen by accident. When life is effortless, everything flows to me in divine time, at the right place and in correct measure.

When life is effortless, there is nothing that I have to do, other than be accepting, be approving and be allowing of its provision. My Soul provides a provisional path, which is abundant with provisions for the journey. When I follow my Soul’s direction, life is effortless and abundant.

I am here, in life, to experience the expansive growth of my Soul. My Soul expands & grows through the experience of its Self. I am not here to learn through the expansive growth of the Soul. My Soul grows expansively through the lessons that it experiences as its Self.

The most important lesson in this life for me, is to learn how to be accepting, allowing & approving of my Soul’s ideal life for its Self. The Soul designs an ideal life for its Self. However, the Self always has choice.

In a relative dual reality world, choice means that the Self is free to choose its own choice. I can choose the path of my Soul or my ego can choose another path. The ego is free to choose a less than ideal life for itself.

When my ego Self chooses the path of my Soul, it is ideal and effortless. Opportunities flow abundantly as an everyday magical experience. But when the ego makes a different choice of its own, which is not aligned with the Soul, it gets a lesson to learn.

Every lesson in life is designed to allow the Self to learn how to get back on track. When I learn a spiritual lesson, I am inspired to see my path with presence, clarity & direction. Seeing life’s present direction with clarity, is a great lesson to learn.

I receive my lessons from my Inner Tutor, who is my Soul and the source of my intuition. When I learn to use my intuition, I know my direction, I see with clarity and I feel present. I feel my Soul’s presence and I receive the present that I am allowing to manifest in my reality. Intuition is my Soul connection.

When I am on track and following the design, opportunities abound. When I am off track, I am challenged with a lesson. When I miss the signs and do not get the lesson, I will see life as a problem.

When I meet a challenge in life, I learn a lesson and an opportunity unfolds before me. The greatest lesson is to always to see the opportunity that is unfolding.

I fail a challenge when I run out of emotional energy. Insufficient emotional energy is always a problem. When I am unaware of my emotional energy, I see whatever is causing my energy drain to be a problem.

The cause of an energy drain is called a toleration. Whatever I am tolerating, I am not being accepting of and my disapproval causes my resistance to it; which is an energy drain. It is always my resistance to whatever is occurring that causes my emotional energy to be drained. Drained means wasted because resistance is always a waste of emotional energy.

Every toleration in my life is a problem. It is a problem when I see a toleration as the cause of my energy drain because my energy drain is the effect of whatever I am not accepting. Non acceptance is the cause of every problem. Not being accepting, allowing and approving is always a problem. Being disallowing & disapproving stops me being accepting of whatever is occurring. When there is no energy drain, there is no problem. When I see the energy drain as the cause of the problem, I can fix it because I am being the cause of the problem.

When I see my tolerations as having an external cause, then I am not taking responsibility for my own energy, which is therefore draining. When I try to fix the external cause of my problems, it takes a lot of work & effort and a great deal of emotional energy to find and maintain the many solutions. When I am continually working hard to solve my problems, and other people’s problems, I will be emotionally drained and my life will become confused and chaotic.

Chaos is the experience of too many problems, which eventually will lead to a disaster. A disaster occurs when life becomes too chaotic. When the solution to my low energy leads to my addiction to drugs, chaos & disaster are sure to ensue.

To avoid a disaster, I am required to move out of chaos. I move out of chaos by becoming problem free. Solving problems will never make me problem free. When I focus on solutions, my attention is on the problems and the focus of my attention will always be a problem.

When I become problem free, I see everything that occurs in my life as a lesson. Instead of being challenged to solve a problem, I am challenged to learn a lesson. Learning lessons requires emotional power, which requires intuitive awareness. I cannot connect consciously to my emotional power without an awareness of it.

Spiritual lessons can only be learned intuitively, which requires an awareness of emotional power. I always have the mental authority to learn a spiritual lesson but I do not always have the emotional power.

With enough emotional power, I eventually learn the lesson that life is a series of opportunities, not a series of lessons. Seeing intuitively that every lesson in life is an opportunity for growth, is a very powerful perspective. When I take every opportunity, I learn to grow as effortlessly as I design my expansive growth to be.

My Soul is an energetic magnitude of power with a mental force of authority, which I experience through realising the potential ability of physical life. I always have the sovereign choice of my Soul as to how I personally choose to experience my life. I can choose for it to be relatively hard or relatively easy, or I can choose for my life to be absolutely effortless, as my Soul is designing it to presently be.