
Anon-dualism is a doctrine that supports the belief in being present, at once, in the here & now. It has faith in an experience of reality that is being presented at once, forthwith, right here & right now.

In a relative dual reality world of choice, in which we are all living, non-duality is a non-dual reality that is, by definition a non-reality. As there is no such thing as an unreal reality, non-duality is an oxymoron in a dual reality world.

Anon-duality is a present reality that overcomes the duality of only two choices. It is a surreality or surreal experience of reality that overcomes or transcends the experience of relative duality.

A relative dual reality experience allows choice. When choice is limited to two choices, it is a duality; which is not divine. When choice is limited to one choice, it is a singularity or singular reality; which is often called a non-duality of oneness. When choice is expanded to a third choice being present: Anon-duality becomes the opportunity to transcend the duality of dual reality & non-dual reality.

  • Non-duality is a singular reality of oneness
  • Duality is a dual reality of twoness
  • Anon-duality is a triune reality of threeness

The triune reality of human existence is a space-time-reality of love, light & life, as a frequency, wavelength & vibration of mental thought, emotional feeling & physical experience.

The duality of every frequency of thought, backwards or forwards through time, has either a positive or a negative polarity of every perceptive perspective.

  • When I look forward in time, my thoughts are positive
  • When I look back in time, my thoughts are negative
  • When I am present in the now of time, I am at once mentally neutral
  • With real presence in the here of space, I am forthwith emotionally balanced & mentally neutral

The duality of every wavelength of emotion is its male or female gender:

  • Non-duality denies the choice of male or female gender
  • Duality limits the choice to male or female gender
  • Anon-duality explores the beneficial divinity & the divine benefits of a unified and undivided gender of emotional experience

Whereas non-duality recognises the unreality of ungrounded spiritual experiences of mental euphoria, emotional bliss & physical ecstasy appearing to be real; anon-duality embraces a triune reality in the presence of:

  • Health, wealth & wisdom as the attainment of Wellbeing
  • Contentment, fulfilment & joy as the attributes of Happiness
  • Awakeness, awareness & alertness as the essence of Vitality
  • Goodness, grace & gentleness as the quality of Glory

Anon-dualism has a clear & present faith in the glorious vitality of being alive with happiness & wellbeing.