Why The Health Service Is In Crisis!

The Health Service is in crisis because it is an illness service, not a wellness service.

The health service is designed to treat the sick, not serve the healthy.

The health service is in crisis because it cannot cure illness as it can only treat the symptoms of illness, not the cause.

The health service is in crisis because people are generally being compensated for being victims of life, as well as being victims of a health service.

The health service is in crisis because the government is taking responsibility for its people’s health, instead of the people being responsible for their own well-being.

The health service is in crisis because it is being financially driven by the pharmaceutical companies to provide their healthy profits.

The health service is in crisis because the people believe that they need a health service to make them better.

The health service is in crisis because the more we focus on ill health, the worse our health becomes.

In a healthy Health Service, people are guided & supported to connect to their own innate well-being.

Illness & wellness are a duality that allow a choice on the pathway to the well-being of good health.

A Health Service that promotes wellness aligns people on their pathway to being well, not becoming well.

A health service that promotes the prescription of pills & potions for profit is just a legalised drug dealer.

A health service that suppresses acute illness until it becomes chronic is a critical path to eventual death.

The health service is in crisis because it has no critical path to being Well.

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