What Providence Is!

Providence is the Universal Provider of Provisions.

What is universally provided is the opportunity for spiritual growth.

Opportunities for spiritual growth are the choice of the Individual Soul Entity.

The entity of my Soul provides opportunities for my Self to experience expansive growth.

Expansive growth is experiential.

The Soul provides the opportunities & the Self provides the experience.

Providence is the experience of the Self on the Path of the Soul.

On the Path of my Soul, everything is provided providentially.

The Soul is ever present, all knowing & all powerful.

It always has the power, insight & presence to provide everything for its Self on its journey of expansive growth.

Providence is delivered in alignment with the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction draws like energy unto itself.

For the Self to receive its Soul Provision, it is required to be in vibrational alignment.

Vibrational alignment means choosing the authorised choices of the Soul.

Choosing with the Soul’s authority is always an empowered choice.

The ability to align with Providence is an ability that requires both the power & the authority of the Provider.

By itself, the ego cannot connect to its provision.

It is the Soul’s alignment with its Self that provides the provision.

Providence is provisional on the Self being in alignment with the Soul.

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