What A Missionary Is!

A Missionary is a person on a mission.

A person on a mission has an agenda.

Christian Missionaries have a religious agenda.

Their mission is to spread the gospel of the Bible.

Religious Missionaries have an agenda to convert people to their religion.

A religious mission is not the same as a spiritual mission.

We are all Spiritual Missionaries whether we know it or not, irrespective of any religious affiliation.

We are all on an undertaking for our Soul.

We are all undertaking a mission for the purpose of the Soul’s spiritual growth.

A Spiritual Missionary is one who is on a mission to fulfil the vision of their Soul.

Unawakened souls are not carrying out their mission on purpose.

Although unawakened to a spiritual path or mission, we are all still fulfilling the path of our Soul, even though our vision has no purpose or our purpose has no vision.

It is only once awakened with a vision of my spiritual purpose that I realise that I am on a mission.

My mission is to fulfil my Soul’s vision for its Self, on purpose.

The purpose of a Missionary is to fulfil their mission.

The purpose of a mission is to fulfil a personal vision.

The purpose of a personal vision is the expansive growth of the Soul.

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