States of Dependency

Dependent means relying on another person to meet our physical and emotional needs.

Co-dependent is a relationship in which each partner is dependent on the other for meeting their physical and emotional needs.

Independent means a state of being responsible for meeting ones own physical and emotional needs.

Inter-dependent is a relationship where two independent people share their power, whilst retaining their own authority and following their own individual paths.

Inter-developmental is a relationship where two independent people share their power and authority and follow identical paths.

Dependent is being together by necessity.

Co-dependent is being together in separateness.

Independent is being separate in separateness.

Inter-dependent is being separate in togetherness.

Inter-developmental is being together in togetherness.

Unawakened Souls form co-dependent relationships.

Awakened Soul-ties form inter-dependent relationships.

Awakened Soul-mates form inter-developmental relationships.

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