Scarcity, Luxury, Enough, Content

When life happens to me, I live in scarcity.

No matter how much I have, there is never enough of what I want or need.

Even the very rich have a scarcity mentality and fear losing what they already have.

When life happens by me, I experience both scarcity & luxury, poverty & extravagance, too much & too little, or more than enough of somethings & less than enough of others.

Even when I have enough for now, I pursue enough for later on.

I can be rich in assets and still poor in emotional wealth.

When life happens through me, I have enough.

Providence provides everything that I need for now.

I have just enough and enough is just right.

When life happens as me, I am content.

I have everything that I want & need in every present moment of time.

I know that the universe is abundant and infinitely attractive.

I am the creator of the content in my life and my contentment with my life.

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