Physical Time, Speed & Distance

In the relative physical world, time is calculated as speed relative to distance. (Time = Speed x Distance)

  • One day = the speed of the Earth’s spin relative to the distance of the sun.
  • One month = the speed of the  Moon’s rotation of the Earth, relative to the distance of the Sun.
  • One Year = the speed of the Earth’s orbit of the Sun, relative to the distance of the Sun.

In the relative physical world, distance is calculated as speed relative to time. (Distance = Speed x Time)

  • The distance between stars and galaxies is measured as ‘light-years’, which is the distance that the speed of light travels in one year of time.
  • Smaller distances may be measured as ‘light-days’, ‘light-hours’ or ‘light-seconds’.
  • As light travels at 300 million metres per second, a different scale is required for distances on Earth.

In the relative physical world, speed is calculated as distance relative to time. (Speed = Time x Distance).

The speed of motion of physical objects, relative to each other, is measured as:

  • Metres per second
  • Kilometres per hour

Physical time, speed and distance are all measured relative to the time, speed and distance of the Sun.

Because the Sun is constant, time, speed and distance appear to be a constant.

Yet Einstein knew that Time is relative to Speed and Distance. The faster and further we travel in Space, the more time is dilated.

At the speed of light, time stands still, mass becomes infinite, and distance disappears.

Beyond the speed of light, time becomes eternal, speed becomes continuous and distance becomes infinite.

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