Pandora’s Box

Pandora’s Box is where humanity metaphorically locks up its demons.

We each have our own Pandora’s Box.

It is the mental container in which we contain our fears and our limiting beliefs.

It is a commonly held belief that we can contain our emotions.

This is possible because an emotion is the effect of the sponsoring belief that is its cause.

So when I believe that there is no emotional attachment, there is none.

In reality, we suppress our emotions and contain them by choosing a contrasting rational belief that neutralises our fears.

A rational belief is a made-up story that we tell ourself to allay or dispel our fears.

A fear is a mental spell that we cast upon ourself as a belief in a negative or detrimental consequence.

The detrimental consequence is the personal experience of whatever it is that we fear.

We attempt to manage our negative experiences by suppressing our emotions and locking them away in Pandora’s Box.

Opening Pandora’s Box is the belief that we will become exposed to all the demons that cause the experience of our negative emotional feelings.

In the belief that life happens to us, we externalise the cause of our fears and disown them as a supernatural force that is not of our own making.

We each construct our own Pandora’s Box as a belief system called our comfort zone.

Instead of seeing ourself trapped in the comfort zone of our own making, we see the Box as containing all our fears & limiting beliefs that we are trying to escape from.

Rather than confront the apparent cause of our painful physical experiences, we contain them in a Box like Pandora’s in the hope that they cannot harm us.

Pandora’s Box is a euphemism for our sub-conscious Id.

My sub-conscious Id is my ROM drive or the memory store that allows my sub-conscious programming.

Pandora’s Box contains all the bugs & gremlins that are operating in the software of my sub-conscious programming.

As the mental programmer of my own consciousness, I can write new software with a better core belief system.

Bugs & gremlins, devils & demons are all a mental construction of my own belief system, or my inheritance of someone else’s belief system.

My emotions are a clear indication of how I feel about a belief that is forming my reality.

When I open Pandora’s Box, I release the negative emotions that allow me to review their sponsoring belief.

By challenging & changing a particular belief, I change the emotion with which I am experiencing life.

Until I open the box and take a fresh look at how I feel about my life, nothing will ever change.

Pandora’s Box is a metaphor for the comfort zone that I have created in my life.

I am trapped in the comfort zone outside of my own Pandora’s Box and the instructions for opening the box are on the inside of the box.

It is only when I see that I am trapped in a box with my own demons that I can open the lid and allow them to disperse one at a time by confronting my fears and changing my perspective of the reality that I am myself creating.

All the time my demons are securely contained, they still surely exist as a real part of my life experience.

Only once I have dispelled all my demons can I discard the box in which I am convicted of spending a life sentence.

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