My Soul & My Self

My Soul says “I am”.

My Self says “I will”.

My Soul experiences pure feeling.

My Self feels positive and negative emotion.

My Soul knows the Divine Truth.

My Self understands truth and untruth, fact and fiction.

My Soul sees Heaven as a Reality.

My Self sees the reality of heaven & hell on Earth.

My Soul is Omnipotent with infinite Divine Power .

My Self competes with others for its emotional needs.

My Soul is Omniscient with eternal Divine Authority. 

My Self has difficulty choosing what it wants for itself.

My Soul is Omnipresent with continuous Divine Ability.

My Self gets lost, confused and very frustrated with its judgements of the past and its expectations of the future.

My Soul has Clarity, Direction and Presence in each and every moment of Time-Space-Reality. 

My Self is nothing without my Soul.

My Soul is nothing without my Self.

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