My Authentic Self

My Authentic Self is an expression of my True Self. My True Self is my Soul. When I express the truth of my Soul, I connect with my authentic Self.

My Soul is the author of my authentic life story. My authentic life story is my version of my vision, mission & purpose in this lifetime. My Soul is the author of my authentic vision, mission & purpose for my life. My journey through life is authored, authorised & authenticated by my authentic Self.

My authentic Self is my genuine Self. A genuine expression of my Self is a pure vibration of energetic thought. A pure energetic thought is called Light and is transmitted on a pure energetic wave of emotion called Love. Pure Love & Light are the experience of a pure, genuine and authentic Life. When I express a pure vibration of Light with Love, it is an expression of the essence of my authentic Life.

Light is a pure frequency of thought and Love is a pure wavelength of emotion. Together they are a pure vibration of an Authentic Life expressed. A pure vibration of life is expressed through a pure frequency of mental light transmitted on a pure wavelength of emotional love. Emotional love is love in energetic motion, which allows a purely authentic experience of Life.

A pure frequency of thought is without judgment. Without judgment, there is no choice of positive or negative polarity.

A pure wavelength of emotion is without gender. It is undivided by either a male or a female bias.

A pure vibrational experience is my authentic identity. My true identity is without a positive or a negative character and without a male or female personality.

When my yin & yang are in balance, I am expressing my authentic Self. When my yin & yang are out of balance, I am causing my emotional traumas, which are the effect of my mental dramas.

A mental drama is the effect of a less than authentic belief. Fears & limiting beliefs cause energy drains and emotional traumas.

My authentic Self is always authorised, empowered & enabled to fulfil its life vision with purpose.

My authentic Self is fear free, pain free & problem free. It has continuous presence, clarity & direction. It is exclusively connected, sensitively detached and emotionally intelligent, with conscious-awareness of its life path.

My authentic Self is the Author of my Book of Life. Whereas, my ego self can see itself as the hero, the victim or the villain of an epic saga; my authentic Self knows the storyline, sees the plot and feels the magnitude of the book’s messages. The final chapter is already written and everything required on the journey is already provided. Opportunities are abundant in every chapter of the book.

Life is a journey of experience, exploration & discovery, which my authentic Self accepts, approves and allows to unfold, one chapter at a time.

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