Fate & Destiny

Fate and Destiny are not necessarily the same thing.

Fate & Destiny are not a dual reality.

Doom and destiny are a duality of our fate.

When we follow the gods of our ego self, we will always meet our doom.

When we follow the path of our Soul, we will experience our Destiny.

Our Soul holds the blue-print for our Destiny. This is our vision, mission & purpose in Life.

Our Destiny is to experience, explore and discover who we are and why we are here.

Our Destiny is individual, unique and exclusive to our Self.

Our ego self creates the reality of our doom with the limiting beliefs, emotional needs and life dramas that have become our sub-conscious programming and our fate.

We are fated to meet our doom until we are awakened to our Destiny.

Our fate becomes our Destiny, once we awaken to the conscious-awareness of our own Divine Reality.

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