Electric Energy

Electric energy is the flow of physical electrons from one atomic nucleus to another.

Electricity is the physical effect of electric energy on physical matter. There is no physical effect of electricity unless a resistance is placed in the flow of electric energy.

We are the physical effect of placing a resistance into the divine flow of Universal Energy, which has three aspects of Divinity. It has an omnipotent magnitude of power called Love; an omniscient force of authority called Light; and an omnipresent potential of ability called Life.

A physical dimension of Universal Energy is called electricity, which has three aspects or properties of flow. It has a magnitude of power measured in amps; a force of authority measured in volts; and a potential ability measured in watts.

The potential of the wattage of electricity to perform ‘work’ is relative to the force of volts and the magnitude of its amperage.

Universal Energy is infinite, eternal and continuous. It can never be destroyed, yet it can change its form. One such form of energy is experienced as electricity.

The potential for Universal Energy to create the ability of Life is relative to the force of the authority of Light and the magnitude of the power of Love that is permitted to flow without resistance.

With the ability to allow our authority and power to flow in harmony without resistance, we are able to realise, manifest and create, by the Law of Attraction, anything that we want to Be, Do, or Have.

One Reply to “Electric Energy”

  1. We see this issue in much the same way… My knowledge doesn’t come from formal education…
    but springs from divine intervention… We only
    know… what we comprehend in God’s good time..
    free thought..? We can go anywhere our thoughts
    have the power to take us… God exists in all
    things… House of The Spirit… Home of The
    Prophet… Devine Intervention start’s in me
    & you… Why do we rely on 2nd hand
    information..? visit my web page
    I’m convinced… If you don’t know God..?
    You don’t know JACK !!!

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