Effortless Life

Life flows effortlessly when we are guided by the intuition of our Inner Coach.

When we hear our messages of revelation, we avoid having to confront a life lesson.

When we see our lessons in our imagination, we avoid having to confront a problem in life.

When we feel a problem in our inspiration, we avoid life going into chaos.

Chaos is a matter of life & death. When we fail to confront our chaotic life, we face the imminent disaster of death.

To avoid disaster, we are required to move out of chaos by solving our problems.

We solve a problem by feeling the guidance of our inspiration to learn the lesson it is presenting.

We learn our lessons by seeing the guidance of the bigger picture through the genius of our imagination that contains our messages. Imaging or imagining is the art of conscious dreaming.

We hear our messages when we listen to the guidance of our revelations that shine the Light on our True Path in Life.

Following our True Path is without problems or lessons, when we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and we follow the path of no resistance that flows effortlessly through a Life of Love & Light that is our Destiny.

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