Choosing Together

Choosing together is choosing for our Self what our partner wants for us and choosing for our partner what our partner wants for themself.

Once we are together in togetherness we always want the same as our partner wants. This is choosing for our self what our partner wants for us and choosing for our partner what our partner wants for themself. It is the same thing. It is one choice made together.

Making separate choices will keep the partnership is separate togetherness.

The partnership does not come together by making the same choices. Making choices is an action and a process of doing that requires negotiation and agreement.

Being together is a state of being at choice. The only choice that is made is to be together.

Once the partnership becomes At Choice, both partners know that they are totally free to make any choice they choose, yet the only choice for them is to be At Choice Together.

When both partners choose consciously to be at Choice, they both unconditionally accept whatever occurs because they know that it is their destiny to experience it.

Choosing together is choosing togetherness and is the only choice when choosing together.

When both partners are At Choice they choose only to be together.

They choose to be together and they choose to be At Choice together.

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