A Life Path Experience

A Life Path Experience is the Spiritual Journey of my Destiny.

It is a physical life, along a mental path, as an emotional experience.

A mental or emotional life along a physical or emotional path as a physical or a mental experience is my fate.

It is not the spiritual journey of a life path experience that is my destiny.

A physical path as a mental experience is about what I do & what I achieve in life.

A mental path as a physical experience is about what I have & what I accomplish in life.

An emotional experience along a mental path in a physical life is about what I spiritually attain.
When I overcome the emotional experiences of life I disconnect from my spiritual path.

My destiny is to attain the mental fulfilment of conscious-awareness of my emotional states of being joyfully happy that I experience in the contentment of my physical life.

I learn who I am when I discover why I am here in my Life Path Experience of the spiritual journey that is my Destiny.

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