
Resolve is the emotional power to meet every challenge. I resolve a challenge when I see the opportunity that is being presented.

When I use my resolve to re-solve & re-solve a problem, the lesson evades me, I never meet the challenge, so I never take the opportunity. When problems continue to happen to me, I continue to seek a solution by me. Problems & challenges defeat me when my resolve runs out. With enough resolve, opportunities happen through me when I allow them to.

Resolve is the emotional power to ‘see it through’. It requires intuitive insight to see through a problem, to see through the challenge, to intuitively see the opportunity that is present. When I am dedicated, determined and committed to solving problems intellectually, by me, my resolve eventually drains & depletes me.

When I am committed through emotional resolve and dedicated to my mental resolution, I am determined to be physically resolute. Only an authorised mental resolution is emotionally empowered with resolve.

  • I resolve a problem through learning a lesson
  • I resolve a lesson through seeing an opportunity
  • I resolve every issue when I see it through

With intuitive insight, I see life happening through me.

  • Resolve is courageous. With courage, I confront my fears and my limiting beliefs
  • Resolve is faithful. With faith my resolution is certain and my resolve is ensured
  • Resolve is purposeful. With purpose, I know the meaning of resolute and the reason for my resolution

Everything in my life revolves through me and resolves through me.