Life Just Is

Life Just Is whatever I perceive it to be.

I perceive the experience of life relative to my perspective of reality. How I see reality is how I experience life and we all see reality differently because we are all experiencing a different life.

I do not choose to live in the reality of someone else’s perspective. Choosing to perceive life in the same way as other people is not ideal for me.

I am an authentic sovereign entity, with personal choice, who chooses to create my own path in life. I see everyone else as a sovereign entity, who has choice and may or may not be authentic, relative to their perspective of life.

Life just is the effect of whatever I cause to happen, whether I am aware of it or not. Whatever everyone in the world is experiencing is a projection of their own belief system about reality. Reality is a real experience of what I believe to be real because what I believe, I experience and what I experience, I believe to be real. Life just is the reality that I am experiencing based on what I believe to be real.

When I challenge, change & own my own beliefs, I experience an authentic reality of my own choice. My reality, my real experience, is not dependent on anyone else; unless I believe that it is.

The belief that I am an Individual Sovereign Entity; with a chosen, individual, unique & exclusive path, allows that to be my experience. I am experiencing a mission on Earth with purpose that is in alignment with my higher vision for my life.

The belief that my life has true value is endorsed every time that I am living one of my True Values. In the absence of intuitively knowing my vision, mission, purpose & true values, it is not possible to believe that I am the creator of my own reality.

It is only by living my Truth, in alignment with my Vision on purpose that I experience the reality of creating my own life. In the absence of believing that I create my own reality, I live in the reality of someone else’s creation.

When I believe that life happens to me as a consequence of my own choices and actions, it does. When I believe in luck, I can also be unlucky and when I believe that life can go wrong, it does.

When I believe that everything on my divine path is divine, it becomes a real experience. When I believe in Providence, everything is provided. When I believe in miracles, they become an everyday occurrence. When I believe that I am here on purpose to fulfil my life vision, I align with my mission on Earth. When I believe that happiness flows from within, I allow it to flow out into my reality.

Life just is a personal His Story of every Individual person who is writing their own Book of Life. Everyone starts life with a blank sheet of paper and an active imagination.

Life enables imagination to be creative. Imagination is the creative force of life. Without imagination, we are only able to experience what others before us have created for us. The way to control & subjugate others is to deny them access to their own creative imagination. When I switch off my creative ability, I switch off my creative power and give away my creative authority of choice.

The belief that there is only one reality dictates that I have to compete with everyone else to change that reality. The belief that I create my own reality is realised once I stop competing with everyone else to get my own way. When I stop competing with others, I stop judging others, others stop judging me and stop competing against me.

When I allow all others to follow their own path, I am free to create and follow my own; in a unique, individual & exclusive way. Having a blank sheet of paper is the licence that allows me total creativity in becoming the Author of my own Reality, which becomes my own Book of Life.

Writing someone else’s story is not the purpose of my journey. It is my fate to follow a path already trodden by others. It is my destiny to imaginatively create my own experience of life.

Life just is, however I imagine it to be.