Dementia Is The Absence Of Presence

The sense that is absent with dementia is intuition. An intuitive sense is common to everyone but not normal for many. It is normal for most people to use only their five physical senses to override their three intuitive senses.

Our three intuitive senses are neither taught nor learned at school. Our rational education system is focused on developing a physical consciousness of the material world, not a spiritual awareness of our energetic reality. Awareness of an energetic spiritual reality is intuitive, not corporeal.

Dementia is not the absence of intuition but the absence of presence. Presence allows the awareness of what is energetically occurring in each and every moment of time, in the reality of our personal space.

Presence is the pre-sense of knowing that whatever is about to occur in our personal reality is beneficial. When my focused conscious mind is present, there is no projection into either my past or my future reality. There is no determination of what might happen based on my belief or experience of what has happened before.

The mental processor that is our brain allows our presence when it is still & at peace. This is a place or a space that we mentally visit when in a meditative state of mind. In that space of mental neutrality, there is no dementia, there is no loss of memory, there is no mental confusion, there is no fear and there is no worry or anxiety.

The presence of a meditative state of being is where the Soul connects with its conscious Self and where the ego sense of Self becomes aware of its higher state of consciousness. In the presence of my higher consciousness, there can be no mental incapacity.

Dementia can only occur when the ego is absent from the presence of the Soul but not necessarily because the Soul’s presence is absent from the perspective of the ego.

Disconnection from our spiritual Source happens normally by the time a child attends school. We all suffer from a relatively mild form of dementia from school age. We all have times when we forget things. We are taught to remember things by using diaries, daily planners, to-do lists and post-it notes. We use alarm clocks to remind ourselves to wake up in the morning. We wear a watch to remind us what time it is.

We run on other people’s time and other people’s deadlines. We are no longer tuned into the natural cycles of the planet or running on natural or divine time. We no longer have a personal sense of time flowing beneficially but have become slaves to following time constraints & schedules of our own appointment. It is only when on holiday that we have the occasional presence of mind to reflect on how demented our life appears to be.

One of the ironies of modern life is that the more successful we are in business, the more we need a secretary or a personal assistant to help us with our workload and remind us of whatever we have forgotten.

We all suffer from varying degrees of dementia throughout our life without it being seen as a problem. It is only when our mental state of Being becomes a problem to other people that other people seek a reason for our abnormally demented behaviour.

Mostly, we do not have the presence of mind to realise the levels of our own inspired or demented behaviour. Our Soul is always there to offer guidance & support, whether we are aware of it or not and whether we choose to take it or not. Our Soul connection is always present, even though our awareness of it may remain absent for all of our life. When our Soul’s presence is absent, so is our spiritual awareness. In the absence of our presence, there is no awareness of a unique, individual and exclusive connection with the higher consciousness of our spiritual Soul.

Dementia is one of the Soul’s ways of experiencing the extreme boundaries of our disconnection from Source. As the Soul connection becomes weaker & weaker, the potential for dementia becomes stronger & stronger.

From the ego’s perspective, dementia is a mental incapacity that happens to us. From the Soul’s higher perspective of the bigger picture of life, dementia is an opportunity to explore & discover the extremes of a spiritually disconnected experience called an absent life without presence.