What A Spiritual Awakening Is!

A Spiritual Awakening is a moment of realisation that there is something more to life than purely physical experience.

It is an awakening to the experience of spirit.

A Spiritual Awakening is an event that defies existing knowledge and endorses intuitive knowing.

It is an awakening to the intuitive awareness of energy.

Physical matter & spiritual energy are a duality of relative existence.

I can choose to experience a conscious material existence as a physical human being, without seeing any awareness of energy.

This perspective is a choice that allows full immersion within the illusion of physical reality.

My Spiritual Awakening is my transition from my immersion in physicality to my emersion into spirituality.

Purely physical reality is an illusion that is a real experience.

A Spiritual Awakening is a moment of reconnection to spiritual Source that allows the realisation that there is more to life than the illusion that there is just physical reality.

A Spiritual Awakening is the moment that a spiritual truth dawns on a physical human Being.

It is an awakening to the reality that we are all spiritual Beings experiencing a physical existence.

It is the realisation that we are mentally & emotionally energetic Beings in a manifestly physical body.

A Spiritual Awakening is a new perceptive awareness that spirit is energy and energy is the source of all matter.

It is the realisation that all matter is a form of energy, and forms from energy; as opposed to the physical perspective that energy is derived from matter or is produced by matter.

A Spiritual Awakening is waking up to the awareness of who I really am.