What Causes Obesity!

I indulge in obesity.

Obesity is the effect of over indulgence.

I indulge in activity that meets an emotional need.

Over indulgence is the effect of being too emotionally needy.

I become attached to whatever meets my emotional needs.

I indulge people who meet my emotional needs.

I indulge other people with whom I have a strong emotional attachment.

Over indulging other people causes their obesity.

Being a hoarder is a sign of over attachment to possessions.

I hoard whatever I am strongly attached to.

I attach myself emotionally to whatever I believe that I will need in the future and cannot do without.

My emotional needs are a symptom of my mental beliefs.

I over indulge & hoard because of my beliefs in scarcity.

It is my scarcity mentality that causes my extravagance & obesity.

The over indulgence of excessive eating, excessive hoarding, excessive neediness & excessive attachment are all symptoms of obesity.

When I am fully connected to my true source of emotional power, I have no emotional need, I have no need to indulge myself, I have no attachment to people or things, I have no scarcity mentality and I have no need to hoard or over eat.

It is my fears & limiting beliefs that cause me to indulge my need for emotional energy, which  has an effect called obesity.